Headline News:
- The Vermont House gave unanimous approval to S230, a bill that aims to give towns a say over where renewable energy projects are sited. While some Vermonters hoped the Legislature would let towns make siting decisions, the bill involves local, regional and state planners. [Vermont Biz]
Two windmills stand above a farm in Sheldon, VT. VBM photo.
- The end of the internal combustion engine may be nearer than carmakers think. The Austrian Ministry of Agriculture and Environment is working on a study that would mean an end to conventional cars sales by 2020. India, Norway, and the Netherlands have plans to end sales by 2025. [Renewables International]
- The International Solar Alliance has reiterated its desire to mobilize $1 trillion in investments to improve solar assets. Launched by India and France at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris last December, the International Solar Alliance is made up of governments from 25 countries. [CleanTechnica]
- With solar power to equal the output of the Seabrook nuclear plant, along with sufficient efficiency programs and demand response, New England should have more than enough electricity resources to meet demand this summer, even during a heat wave, according to ISO New England. [Concord Monitor]
Rooftop solar panels are an increasingly large part of New England’s power grid. Associated Press - Maine’s Governor Paul LePage vetoed a landmark solar energy bill Wednesday, after failed attempts by Democratic leadership to reach a compromise during extensive negotiations. Solar advocates now plan to press lawmakers to override the veto when they reconvene Friday. [Press Herald]
For more news, please visit geoharvey – Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.
from Green Energy Times http://www.greenenergytimes.net/2016/04/28/april-28-green-energy-news-3/
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